This is call sign by phonetic alphabet Your net control for this session.
CENTRAL DAKOTA AMATEUR RADIO – CWJ VHF NET PREAMBLE CQ CQ CQ This is the Central Dakota Amateur Radio Club –CWJ VHF Net: This is YOUR CALL SIGN Your net control for this session. My name is INSERT YOUR NAME, and I am located YOUR LOCATION. This net meets every Sunday evening at 8:00 PM Central Time on the frequency of 146.850 MHZ with a 600 kHz shift.PAUSE. We meet for the purpose of handling traffic, and the promotion of the enjoyment of Amateur Radio. We will assist any station to the extent we can. All check ins are welcome on this net. This is a directed net, please do not transmit unless invited to do so by the Net Control Station. Please check in using your call sign (state if you would like AHPHONETICS.) All stations are asked to remain on frequency until roll call is over unless otherwise excused. Thank you for following these procedures while participating in the Central Dakota Amateur Radio Club CWJ/VHF Net. Once again, this is your net control station is YOUR CALL SIGN and my name is YOUR NAME. Let’s start out with Stations with Emergency or Priority Traffic: ____________________________ Stations with Formal Written Traffic: _________________________________________________ Any Stations to Check in and out, call now. ____________________________________________ Acknowledge their call signs and they can be excused
Stations on Short Time – A-Alpha through Z- Zulu:_______________________________________
Acknowledge their call signs and make statement that they are registered Ask for comments
Question for the NET (read question and possible answers)
Mobiles, Low Power, or Portables: ____________________________________________________
Copy call signs and repeat their call signs back. Start a top of list and ask for comments and question answer
Regular and General Check Ins: ALPHA THRU L-LIMA (copy call signs and repeat back) you can shorten the list for ABC, CDE, EFG, etc… if needed.
M. MIKE THRU Z-ZULU(copy call signs and repeat back)
Start at top of list and ask for comments and answer to question if you have one. There is a list of questions on the website where net schedule is.
Before Closing; Is there any further traffic for the net?
Announcements exec meeting, club monthly meeting and/or any other events etc.… There will be an informal net on the SSB net on 144.200 upper side band that will follow this net.
After the 144.200 ssb net there will be an informal net on 6 meters 50.125 Mhz also Upper side band
Hearing no further traffic, we will close the net and return the 85 repeater to regularAmateur use. Thank you and good evening. This is is YOUR CALL SIGN USING PHONETICS clear.